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你是否经常梦想着如何改变别人的生活? 甚至可以想象在手术中提供帮助是多么不可思议?

你是否经常梦想着如何改变别人的生活? 甚至可以想象在手术中提供帮助是多么不可思议? If so, the career of Surgical Technologist might just be calling your name. 但是你是如何进入手术室的,这份工作到底需要做些什么? 


Obtain the Crucial Education — Herzing Can Help

First things first, you must obtain a degree. 选择一所适合你的生活方式和职业目标的学校和幸运28计划. Herzing University offers a comprehensive Surgical Technologist Program that can be completed in just 20 months preparing students with fundamental knowledge, surgical pharmacology skills, surgical principles, and hands-on surgical practice. 获得外科技术副学士学位, 你将完全具备在工作中使用救生医疗设备的专业知识和培训. 

Finding Hands-On Clinical Experience

作为成为外科技术人员的培训和教育的重要部分, clinical experience is a prerequisite before you obtain your degree. Your clinical externship can include valuable work experience at a hospital, 你将在哪里动手学习,为你的职业生涯做准备. 您将了解更多关于日常需求和职责的信息, 同时学习如何使用你的技术知识来帮助他人,并在团队中脱颖而出. While it is a requirement for the degree, 临床通常是学生们最喜欢的教育部分,因为他们第一次在课堂和课本之外学习. Plus, 你可以建立关系,这可能会导致未来毕业后的就业, expanding your valuable professional network.

Navigating the Necessary Skills-Training

Any job in the medical field, particularly surgical, 要求个人能够熟练地在潜在的高压力情况下工作. As a surgical tech, 你需要善于与各种各样的人交流——从外科医生到护士, to patients. As an irreplaceable part of the surgical team, 你必须了解各种外科手术的来龙去脉和严格的无菌技术. Because of the level of preparation needed, along with the critical aseptic policies, 你需要密切关注每一个细节——如果不迅速纠正,一个小失误可能会导致危险的情况.

Step Up: Surgical Technology in Action

Now is the part you’ve been waiting for. Once you’ve completed your courses, 临床实习并通过国家认证考试, 你已经准备好进入手术室,帮助拯救生命. Herzing大学的课程让你准备好迎接任何挑战, 但现在是时候把你的知识和技能付诸行动了. As a Surgical Technologist, 你可能会在清晨或傍晚开始,以确保下一次手术的设备设置好. 

Once the surgery begins, you may help the surgical team with essential tasks such as passing instruments. After the surgery is complete, 然后你打扫房间,为下一个手术和病人做准备. Throughout the day, your work makes a direct, 积极的影响,不仅对病人接受手术,但减少负担和压力,你的同行医护人员, making it a highly rewarding career.

Ready to Make a Real Difference?

Sounding too good to be true? For the right person with a passion for healthcare, and a keen eye for detail, 外科技术途径可以帮助您挽救生命并确保适当的护理. 如果你已经准备好开始,或者想了解更多关于未来的旅程,请点击这里 更多关于Herzing大学外科技术专家幸运28计划的信息. 

Learn More About Our Surgical Technologist Program


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2022 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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